

Page history last edited by Jenni Parker 15 years, 4 months ago
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Cheers jennip
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Comments (8)

Keith Lyons said

at 6:53 pm on Nov 19, 2008

What a great idea! thank you for the opportunity to participate.

Jenni Parker said

at 8:20 pm on Nov 19, 2008

Hi Keith
Thanks for your edits and additions. Glad you like the idea. I kept going back to my blog to add stuff and thought it would get lost in the woods of future posts...so thought a wiki that others could edit would be a better way to go. I'm still new to pbwiki, but it looks like I have to add people & give them permission levels...please fell free to pass on the link to other educators and I'll add them (unless I find an easier way...eg: The Directory of Edubloggers has an editing password printed on their page, I'll investigate this).
Cheers Jenni

Keith Lyons said

at 4:47 am on Nov 20, 2008

Will do, Jenni.

This is a great learning opportunity for me. I am using wikispaces for a wiki I am developing (http://csaus.csp.wikispaces.net/) so pbwiki gives me an immediate comparison of usability. My post about Michele Martin was prompted by her reflection on effective blogging (http://betterblog.ning.com/profile/michelemmartin) and her discussion of personal learning environments (http://michelemartin.typepad.com/thebambooprojectblog/2007/04/my_personal_lea.html).

Jenni Parker said

at 8:59 am on Nov 20, 2008

Great Keith.
I have dabbled a little with wikispaces (http://patriciap.wikispaces.com/) but am still finding my way around it. I look forward to hearing (reading) your comparison on usability when you've had time to play with pbwiki.

I have also joined WikiEducator (http://www.wikieducator.org/Main_Page) and enrolled in an online course starting on 24/11 with Nellie Deutsch (http://www.wikieducator.org/Learning4Content/Registration#Upcoming_workshops) to find out more about it.

Thanks for the links, I'll have a look at them as soon as I can.

Did you register yourself on the Directory of Australian Edubloggers? (http://australianedubloggers.pbwiki.com/FrontPage). I didn't see you there, but there's alot of people listed & it's in no particular order (as it is a pbwiki) so it's hard to locate a specific person. Anyway I have added a link to a voicethread in my entry (right at the bottom of the page)...maybe you'd like to have a look and contribute to this?

Keith Lyons said

at 11:56 am on Dec 4, 2008


Sorry I have been off line for a few days!

Jenni Parker said

at 12:12 pm on Dec 4, 2008

Hey don't be sorry! I hope you were pottering/enjoying your beautiful garden!
I don't know if you know about WikiEducator? (http://www.wikieducator.org/Main_Page). If you don't have a look. If you do, are you collaborating on any projects? I added a link to their tutorials on our Top Tools page today.
Cheers jennip

Jenni Parker said

at 1:10 pm on Dec 4, 2008

Keith I'm glad you added Wendy's video - I love it and will be very handy

Keith Lyons said

at 9:20 pm on Dec 4, 2008

I have changed the format of my blog to include Vodpod videos. The Networked Student is my first video!

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